Wednesday, July 16, 2014

On Loss and Change

Loss is just another way of saying Change. We fear change. We fear fear.

( The Zen master, Kobun Chino Roshi, was once asked how he related with fear. He said, “I agree. I agree.”)

Life doesn't make it easy. Life demands that we die, and be reborn, every time we confront change.

When we find ourselves at the very bottom of a loss, it is easy, even desirable, to lose ourselves in that darkness. Despair is a tempting choice. Just slide into the black.

However, if we can see that place as one of reflection, that moment can teach us much about ourselves.

Life, through this change or loss, has stripped away all that has no meaning. If we can "be" in that place, dwell patiently, and keep an open heart, we can bring back up with us the sweetness of life and love.

When there is nothing left to lose, we find our true self.

That self can give love to others without the need for anything in return.

That self is enough.

That self is whole.

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