Wednesday, July 2, 2014

29 Things

I hate lists. I have, therefore, compiled one.

Here are 29 things. Do with them what you will.

Cheer other people’s victories.
Spend time with the right people.
Notice the beauty in moments.
Focus on the possibility of positive outcomes.
Enjoy the things you already have.
Be more open about how you feel.
Give your ideas and dreams a chance.
Take full responsibility for your own life.
Enter new relationships for the right reasons.
Create your own happiness.
Value the lessons your mistakes teach you.
Actively nurture your most important relationship.
Be more polite to yourself.
Listen to your inner voice.
Be honest with yourself about everything.
Forgive yourself and others.
Face your problems head on.
Be aware of your stress level.
Look for the silver lining in all situations.
Make your own happiness a priority.
Concentrate on the things you can control.
Notice and live in the moment.
Give new people a chance.
Work toward your goals.
Believe that you’re ready for the next step.
Be yourself, genuinely and proudly.
Allow things to be less than perfect.
Help those around you.
Notice how wealthy you are.

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